Tender No. |
Description |
Compulsory Briefing Date, Place & Time |
Applicable Price Preference Point System |
Tender Closing date & time |
PL04/SDF/1022 | Supply and Delivery of Fuel and Various oil Lubricants as and when required for a period of
Thirty- six (36) months |
N/A | 80/20 | 28/10/2022;
@ 12h00 |
In terms of Section 110 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (No. 56 of 2003), tenders are hereby invited for the above-mentioned project. Tender documents are available on the e-Tenders portal, the municipal website and at the Municipal Offices at a non-refundable payment deposit of R500.00 per set at Phokwane Local Municipality (Cashiers) revenue division during normal working hours. There will be no compulsory clarification meeting.
Sealed envelopes must be addressed to: The Municipal Manager, Phokwane Local Municipality, Private Bag X3, Hartswater, 8570. Marked with the description above and the correct reference number, deposited in the ‘TENDER BOX’ situated at Phokwane Local Municipality Offices, 24 Hertzog Street, Hartswater, no later than the 28th of October 2022, time 12H00pm.
In terms of Supply Chain Regulations Section 44 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, Act 56 of 2003, which states that the municipality or municipal entity may not make any award to a person – (a) (b) who is in the service of the state; if that person is not a natural person, of which any director, manager, principal shareholder or stakeholder is a person in the service of the state; or (c) who is an advisor or consultant contracted with the municipality or municipal entity. Councillors, and other elected representatives, full time employees and other directors of the public and municipal entities are prohibited from being eligible to bid or be awarded a contract to provide any services to the municipality.
Tenders will be evaluated using Method 4 of evaluation (pre-qualification, mandatory returnable documents, functionality / technical evaluation (where tenders MUST score a minimum of 60% on functionality points to be considered for further evaluation), price and preference point scoring.
The following compulsory documents must accompany the tender document, and failure to provide such documentations shall constitute automatic disqualification: Registration report (not a summary) on Central Supplier Database (CSD), a valid Tax compliance status SARS Pin, certified copy of Company Registration Certificate, Current Municipal Account/Valid Lease agreement / proof of residence or letter from recognised Tribal authority for bidders operating from non-billed areas, certified shareholders ID Copies, and proof of Authority.
A preferential point system will apply for this project and will be allocated to a bidder in accordance with the PPPF Act (No. 5 of 2000), Preferential Procurement Regulations 2017 (PPR 2017) and as defined in the conditions and requirements of this project. Certified valid copy of B-BBEE certificate / certified valid Sworn Affidavit (to be attached for Preference points claim). Bids will be adjudicated in terms of the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Municipality, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act No.5 OF 2005, and Supply Chain Regulations of the Municipal Finance Management Act, Act 56 of 2003.
Phokwane Local Municipality reserves the right to accept and/or not to accept the lowest priced bid / tender. The Council reserves the right to withdraw / cancel the invitation. The Council reserves the right to award more than one service provider, and negotiate any offer with preferred bidder(s). No correspondence will be entered into with any tender regarding scores obtained, reasons for no appointment, etc. No late, telephonic, facsimile or e-mailed tenders will be accepted.
If you do not hear from us within 90 days after the closing date, please consider your tender unsuccessful.
Ms B Mgaguli
Acting Municipal Manager
Phokwane Local Municipality
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