Phokwane Local Municipality invites service providers to submit their quotations for the:
Establishment of hawker stalls in Valspan.
See attached for specifications
This quote will be evaluated in terms of the 80/20 preference system as prescribed in the PPPFA, Act (No 5 of 2000) and the Supply Chain Management Policy of Phokwane Local Municipality.
80 Price and 20 BBBEE Status level.
Compulsory site meeting will be held for all prospective bidders on 10 MARCH 2016 at Jan Kempdorp Municipal building – 10:00am.
The closing date for submissions is the 15 MARCH 2016 @ 12:00pm. Bid documents (MBD documents, Tax clearance certificate, paid-up Municipal account and BBBEE certificate) must be sealed in an envelope clearly marked FWQ 1516/PMH15 Establishment of hawker stalls in Valspan and must be deposited in the Tender Box of Phokwane Local Municipality at the Reception, Ground floor, Hartswater Municipal Buildings, 24 Hertzog Street, Hartswater. Bid documents are obtainable at Phokwane Local Municipality offices Hartswater during working hours – 08:00am – 16:15pm. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted and the Council reserves the right to accept any portion of any tender and to waive any requirements as contained in the bid conditions and or specifications. Council reserves the right to accept multiple bids for the same project. Enquiries regarding this bid: Mr B. Koena – 053 4749700. Supply Chain Management enquiries may be directed to: Mr. Basie Segalo / Mrs. Marinda Viljoen at tel: 053 474 9700. PLEASE NOTE THAT FAXED, E-MAILED OR LATE QUOTATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Acting Municipal Manager
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