Office of the Mayor

Cllr Tebogo Africa


The Executive Mayor is the political head of the institution and chairs the Mayoral Committee. He is head of the Mayoral Committee. His function and powers are outlined in Chapter 3 of the Local Government Municipal Structures Act of 1998.

Functions and Powers of Executive Mayors

An executive mayor is entitled to receive reports from committees of the municipal council and to forward these reports together with a recommendation to the council when the matter cannot be disposed of by the executive mayor in terms of the executive mayors delegated powers.

Se must:

  • identify the needs of the municipality:
  • review and evaluate those needs in order of priority:
  • recommend to the municipal council strategies, programmed and services to address priority needs through the integrated development plan, and the estimates of revenue and expenditure. taking into account any applicable national and provincial development plans: and
  • recommend or determine the best way. including. partnership and other approaches. to deliver those strategies: programmes and services to the maximum benefit of the community.

The Executive Mayor in performing the duties of office, must:

  • identify and develop criteria in terms of which progress in the implementation of the strategies. programmes and services referred to in subsection (2)(c) can be evaluated. including key performance indicators which are specific to the municipality and common to local government in general:
  • evaluate progress against the key performance indicators;
  • review the performance of the municipality in order to improve:

(i) the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the municipality;

(ii) the efficiency of credit control and revenue and debt collection services: and

(iii) the implementation of the municipality’s by-laws:

  • monitor the management of the municipality’s administration in accordance with the directions of the municipal council:
  • oversee the provision of services to communities in the municipality in a sustainable manner;
  • perform such duties and exercise such powers as the council may delegate to the executive mayor in terms of section
  • annually report on the involvement of communities and community organisations in the affairs of the municipality: and
  • ensure that regard is given to public views and report on the effect of consultation on the decisions of the council.

The Executive Mayor must perform a ceremonial role as the municipal council may determine, report to the municipal council on all decisions taken by the Executive Mayor. The Deputy Executive Mayor of a municipality exercises the powers and performs the duties of the executive mayor if the executive mayor is absent or not available or if the office of the executive mayor is vacant.

Election of Executive Mayors

If a municipal council chooses to have an executive mayor it must elect an executive mayor and. if the MEC for local government in the province so approves, also an executive deputy mayor from among its members at a meeting that must be held within 14 days of the councils election; or if it is a district council, within 14 days after the last of the local councils has appointed its representatives to the district council, A vacancy in the office of executive mayor or executive deputy mayor must be filled when necessary. The procedure set out in Schedule 3 applies to the election of an executive mayor and executive deputy mayor.

Term of office of Executive Mayors

The Executive Mayor and a Deputy Executive Mayor must be elected for a term ending, subject to section 58, when the next council is declared elected; and may not serve as executive mayor or deputy executive mayor for more than two consecutive terms. When a person is elected to fill a vacancy in the office of executive mayor or deputy executive mayor. the period between that election and the next election of an executive mayor or deputy executive mayor is regarded as a term. The Executive Mayor whose two consecutive terms have expired. may not immediately after the expiry be elected as deputy executive mayor.
